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07.01 (월)

“The Uncanny Counter” replaces its screenwriter unexpectedly

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“The Uncanny Counter” made an unexpected announcement that it has replaced its screenwriter.

On January 17, SPOTV News reported that screenwriter Yeoh Ji-na officially withdrew from the show in the midst of the ongoing series.

According to the report, the screenwriter decided to leave the show due to differing opinions about the alter episodes. There were reportedly no serious clash but they have mutually agreed to part ways for a better ending of the drama after a lengthy discussion.

The 13th episode of the drama was written by director Yoo Sun-dong, and the rest of the series will be written by a new screenwriter.

Meanwhile, “The Uncanny Counter” airs every Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 pm on OCN.

ⓒ "젊은 파워, 모바일 넘버원 아시아투데이"

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