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06.27 (목)

[K-SCIENCE] 1st Earth Image from Cheollian-2A Sate

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This is an image of the Earth sent from the Cheollian-2A geostationary weather satellite for the first time.

White clouds are blanketing the vivid blue oceans on the planet.

The deserts of China and Australia are appearing red.

The Cheollian-2A is capable of shooting high-resolution color images, while its predecessor Cheollian-1 can produce only black-and-white images.

The resolution of the new satellite's camera is four times as good as that of the Cheollian-1.

The satellite has successfully reached its target geostationary orbit of 36,000 kilometers above the Earth.

[Kim Do-Hyeong, researcher, National Meteorological Satellite Center]

"The National Meteorological Satellite Center and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute successfully received the first images shot and sent by the Cheollian-2A satellite at 12:10 a.m. on January 26."

The satellite also pictures the whole Earth with an interval of 10 minutes, and is capable of producing videos of the Korean Peninsula every two minutes.

As such, the satellite is expected to greatly contribute to the weather agency's early detection of disastrous weather such as concentrated heavy rainfall and typhoons.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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