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05.22 (수)

SKT sweeps 7 awards at Telecom Asia Awards 2019 for 5G technologies

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s top wireless carrier SK Telecom Co. won seven awards at Telecom Asia Awards 2019, the longest-running and most prestigious award for the telecom industry in the Asian region.

SK Telecom announced Tuesday that it was named a winner in seven categories – Best Mobile Carrier, Most Innovative 5G Use Case, Most Innovative Approach to Analytics, Most Innovative Network Transformation Initiative, Most Innovative NFV/SDN Implementation, Most Innovative OTT Video Service and Most Innovative Video Service – at the 22nd Telecom Asia Awards 2019. It is very unusual for a mobile carrier to receive seven top honors at the awards, the company said.

SK Telecom beat other rivals to be picked as the best mobile carrier in recognition for its world’s first commercialization of 5G network. The company received high scores for its outstanding 5G technologies including the fastest 5G network with the broadest coverage in Korea, quantum cryptography technology that ensures reliable security and network optimization technology.


SK Telecom Co.`s 5G smart factory

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

The company was also selected the most innovative 5G use case for its smart factory solutions. It announced its plan to bolster manufacturing automation system last December that included development of multi-functioning robots and flexible production equipment powered by 5G network, augmented reality (AR) smart glass and artificial intelligence-based Machine Vision.

SK Telecom was highly praised for its Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) technology that significantly enhances response time in 5G data communications by reducing latency by 60 percent. It was also selected as a winner in the Most Innovative Network Transformation Initiative for TANGO and T-Core, its next-generation network operation system based on AI technology.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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