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05.23 (목)

LG Electronics to launch automatic laundry dryer in 20 more countries this year

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[Photo provided by LG Electronics Inc.]

LG Electronics announced on Tuesday it will debut its Dual Inverter Heat Pump Dryer in 20 more countries including Asia and North America within this year, raising the total number of countries where its new laundry dryer is available to 50.

LG Electronics launched the product with significantly improved performance and energy efficiency in late 2017. The company plans to focus on promoting the dryer’s condenser auto cleaning system in new markets.

The condenser, one of the dryer’s key components, converts the moisture from the laundry into water. When the hot and humid air with the absorbed moisture from the laundry passes through the cold condenser, the moisture is changed into water which is discharged. It is similar to the principle that water drops form on the surface of a cold ice cup. The air that passes through the condenser comes back into the dryer to absorb the moisture.

Conventional dryers require the user to periodically clean the condenser manually because of fine dust generated during the drying process. But the condenser automatic cleaning system of LG’s dryer automatically washes the condenser with three streams of water each time it dries.

In addition, the Dual Inverter Heat Pump Dryer uses a large-capacity compressor with two cylinders to compress the refrigerant, which greatly increases the amount of refrigerant circulation that determines drying performance. The consumer can use washing machine and dryer functions at the same time by combining a mini wash at the bottom of the dryer.

The dryer’s inverter technology allows for controlling the operating speed of the motor and the compressor freely to maximize product performance and efficiency, LG Electronics said.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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