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10.06 (일)

eBay Korea leads ecommerce in Korea with transaction at $7.5 bn in H1

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

The volume of transactions on eBay Korea was estimated at 8.81 trillion won ($7.47 billion) in the first six months of this year, keeping it at the top in the blooming but heavily competitive e-commerce market in Korea, data showed Tuesday.

According to data released by app and retail industry trackers Wiseapp and Wise Retail on Tuesday, the volume of transactions on eBay Korea, which services Gmarket and Auction, was estimated at 8.81 trillion won in the January-June period, similar to last year’s amount.

The data is based on a sample survey of online shopping payments on Internet shopping mall brands by consumers aged over 20 via credit card, debit cards, account transfers, and mobile micro-transactions. The amount excludes payments made with corporate cards, corporate bank transfers, business-to-business transactions, cash transactions, and gift certificate payments.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

The volume of transactions on e-commerce platform Coupang was estimated at 7.84 trillion won in the first half of this year, up 64 percent from the same period a year ago, while online shopping mall 11st.com reported 9 percent fall to 5.24 trillion won. The drop in transaction amount comes in line with 11st.com’s focus on a profit turnaround rather than transaction volume.

The volume of transactions on WeMakePrice was estimated at 3.23 trillion won, up 18 percent over the cited period, while Ticket Monster 2.02 trillion won, up 12 percent.

Payments on Korea’s top search engine Naver was estimated at 9.79 trillion won in the first six months of this year, up 26 percent from last year. Although payments include content purchases and advertisements, the internet portal giant is estimated to be among the top even when considering only internet shopping.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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