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05.17 (금)

Human Cell Bio to launch small capital-raising deal

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s Human Cell Bio said on Tuesday it is planning to raise 997.5 million won ($850,000) from the public, adding the small capital raising deal marks its start to go public on the Konex market next year and the Kosdaq in 2021.

Public subscriptions to be managed by Hi Investment & Securities will take place on Nov. 18-22. The subscription price is set at 10,500 won per share, a 30 percent discount, the biotech venture firm said.

Human Cell Bio dedicated to cell storage and cell therapies is developing immunotherapy and cell therapy agents based on immune cell culture technology specialized for NK and T cells.

The company developed a gene delivery material as part of a drug delivery system that resulted in the development of a peptide-based cell nuclear-specific delivery material which is filed for patent.

The company has prepared this public prescription

“We are preparing to venture into the global market based on the technology developed through dedication and hard work of all our employees and the latest capital raising is designed to thank all of our supporters,” said Choi Sun-ho, chief executive of Human Cell Bio.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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