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07.01 (월)

eWBM to supply LoRaWan modules to Brazil, paving way for broader Latin American foray

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[Photo provided by eWBM]

South Korea’s fabless firm eWBM said on Tuesday that it has completed talks with an unnamed Nasdaq-listed partner to export its LoRaWan modules to Brazil, marking its first entrance into the Latin American market.

The partner company is reportedly involved in Internet of Things business in Brazil.

LoRaWAN, which has been deployed mostly in Europe, is the standard protocol for WAN communications. To realize the export, eWBM needs to receive a radio wave certification and other regulatory certifications from the Brazilian government in addition to all certifications it has so far received elsewhere.

LoRa or LoRaWAN enables inexpensive and long-range connectivity for IoT devices. A sensor can speak to a LoRaWAN gateway up to 10 kilometers. eWBM has received local certifications for its module technology in Korea, Europe and the United States.

The company released PKI over LoRaWan with improved security in Berlin in June and a series of Goldengate products as a security key for FIDO2 during Microsoft Ignite Conference held in Florida in November.


Microsoft Ignite Conference attracted about 50,000 participants last month [Courtesy of eWBM]

The company’s major business achievements for this year include its selection as a FIDO board member, winning of Microsoft’s MISA membership, and partnership with IBM and other multinational firms over cloud. eWBM expects a boom in the FIDO2 security key market as Microsoft decided to apply a passwordless system to its products to be rolled out from early next year.

With the decision to supply LoRa modules to Brazil after a European deal last year, the FIDO market is expected to grow as fast as the IoT market, said eWBM president Oh Sang-geun, adding the company completed technology development to take advantage of MS500 and next-generation security MCU, and will continue to expand its market presence by adding various IoT Internet modules and FIDO2 security keys.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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