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01.10 (금)

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LG Uplus to spearhead an international XR content alliance on 5G network

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[Photo provided by LG Uplus Corp.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

LG Uplus breeding 5G contents as its primary growth engine is spearheading an alliance on extended reality (XR) on 5G network with wireless partners in the United States, Canada, Japan and China.

LG Uplus said on Monday it will serve as the facilitator of the Global XR Content Telco Alliance which also groups Qualcomm, Bell Canada, Japan's KDDI and China Telecom. Felix & Paul Studios, known for its virtual reality Cirque du Soleil film, and Atlas V, a French VR company, participate as XR content production partners.

XR refers to a set of new technology that enables virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.

Users can generate new forms of reality by bringing digital objects into the physical world and bringing physical world objects into the digital world. XR technologies have applications in almost every industry.

LG Uplus had continued internal idea exchanges and discussions with partners for the establishment of the alliance for 1 year and half since the launch of 5G.


[Photo provided by LG Uplus Corp.]

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The XR alliance will select contents to be produced through regular meetings of the members.

Creating high-quality XR content requires a significant cost, and the XR alliance will contribute to cost-effectiveness and technological maturity, said LG Uplus FC division head Lee Sang-min told reporters, adding the alliance will quickly produce actual contents beyond the concept of simple partnership.

The alliance’s first project is the release of a virtual reality video series showing a spacewalk shot at the International Space Station (ISS) in November.

The contents produced through the alliance will be exclusively distributed to each member’s countries. In Korea, newly produced contents will be available through LG Plus’s content platforms such as U+VR, V+AR, and U+Mobile TV.

The alliance will also seek collaboration with various partners and startups

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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