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- Companies join forces to introduce the full power of 5G for mobile and fixed wireless services in Glebe
Yun Sang-ho
[Digital Daily]
Seoul, Korea, July 7, 2021- Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd today announced that the company will conduct Australia's first 5G virtualized RAN (vRAN) trial on 26GHz, using integrated mmWave solution, for mobile and fixed wireless services with TPG Telecom. In the trial, which is the first of its kind in the nation, Samsung will place its vRAN solution in TPG Telecom's brand new Innovation Lab in Glebe, NSW. Additionally, Samsung's latest 5G mmWave product—Compact Macro—will be deployed in the wider Glebe area.
The announcement follows the launch of Samsung's Networks Business in Australia in April 2021, and since then, the company has been exploring the delivery of Samsung's leading 5G mmWave technologies to the nation.
TPG Telecom, a leading mobile network operator in Australia, operates a number of leading mobile and internet brands in Australia including Vodafone. Recently, TPG Telecom announced its investment of AU$108 million to acquire spectrum in all available license areas in the 26GHz band – tripling its total spectrum holdings. With abundant mmWave spectrum, TPG Telecom will be able to offer high speed data services and immersive use cases for its mobile and home users. TPG Telecom's extensive fiber assets combined with a network of small cells will enable the deployment of vRAN architecture.
For the trial, Samsung will provide its Compact Macro and vRAN solution. Samsung's latest 5G Compact Macro brings together a baseband, radio and antenna in a single form-factor. This compact and lightweight solution can be easily installed on the sides of buildings, as well as on utility poles, for the swift build-out of 5G networks. Samsung's industry-leading commercial vRAN solution is built on the company's independently developed stack, and runs on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. As a leader in vRAN, Samsung has commercially deployed its vRAN solution in wide scale for global Tier 1 operators' networks in markets outside of Australia, and recently expanded its capability to support 3.5GHz Massive MIMO radio, which many industry voices had said would be hard to support with vRAN. Moreover, Samsung's 5G vRAN on mmWave, already commercially deployed in global markets, including Korea, Japan and the U.S, has the capacity to support multi-gigabit speeds, delivering IT technology efficiencies and deployment advantages, while offering transformational 5G mobile experiences.
'We are very pleased to partner with Samsung as part of our new Innovation Lab to drive product and technology innovation by trialing virtualization,' said Iñaki Berroeta, CEO at TPG Telecom.
'Deploying mmWave spectrum on our 5G network together with vRAN architecture will allow us to develop exciting 5G use cases for industry verticals and enable the delivery of even faster speeds and greater capacity for our customers.'
'Samsung is excited to begin this trial with TPG Telecom powered by our innovative 5G vRAN solution and latest integrated 26GHz mmWave product, which will be the first in Australia,' said Woojune Kim, Executive Vice President and Head of Global Sales & Marketing, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics. 'Through a combination of our powerful 5G solutions and ongoing efforts in 5G development, Samsung looks forward to helping TPG Telecom gain the full benefits of 5G to reshape the value of mobile experiences for users and enterprises.'
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