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05.21 (화)

이슈 6G 주도권 전쟁

SKT hits milestone for speedier 6G via low-latency tech

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[Courtesy of SKT]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

SK Telecom Co. has developed innovative technology for speedier 6G core architecture with the new solution, called Inline Service Mesh, promising to reduce communication delays in the core network.

The achievement was made in collaboration with U.S. chipmaker Intel Corp., according to a statement from the South Korean mobile carrier.

Inline Service Mesh is a bare metal cloud native-based technology that improves efficiency by avoiding dual operating systems between hardware resources and virtual resources in the network. The Seoul-based mobile carrier said in a paper that the new solution achieved up to 70 percent latency reduction for transactions between the session management function (SMF) gateway and packet data unit (PDU) session microservices and a 33 percent of improvement in services efficiency.
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