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06.11 (화)

VIDEO: Photojournalism exhibition being held at Gwanghwamun

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SEOUL, April 19 (AJU PRESS) - The 60th Korea Press Photo Exhibition is underway at Gwanghwamun Square, central Seoul, from April 18-22. The annual exhibition showcases scores of outstanding press photos that document significant events in Korea from the past year. The event is organized by the Korea Press Photographers’ Association (KPPA). Also on show are this month’s KPPA awards winners selected from works of more than 500 members in 12 categories, including IT, spot news, general and feature.

People watch at the 60th annual Korean reportage photo Exhibition at Gwanghwamun Plaza, Seoul, April 19. The exhibition, themed '60 Years of Korean Reportage Photography in Modern History,' is open through April 22. AJU PRESS Han Jun-gu

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AJU PRESS Visuals Team 수습기자 dong@ajupress.com

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