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[PRNewswire] Earth Day 2024: Zoomlion Leads Green Transformation

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-- Zoomlion Smart Industrial City's Earthmoving Machinery Smart Park alone has cut 80,000 tons of carbon in 2023, equivalent to planting five million trees

CHANGSHA, China April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- On the occasion of Earth Day 2024 under the theme of "Plastics vs. Planet," Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd. ("Zoomlion", 01157.HK) is highlighting its commitment to achieving low-carbon production covering the whole production process through implementing an integrated green development roadmap.

Green Development Strategy. As countries join forces to tackle the challenges of reducing plastic pollution and environment conservation, Zoomlion is spearheading the industry transformation with a green development strategy that focuses on green design, manufacturing, products, standards, and management.

New Energy Core Components. Zoomlion has launched a range of new energy core components, the foundation of developing new energy construction machinery, covering the entire technology chain, including battery development, electric control, and whole machinery production.

In 2022, Zoomlion launched nine core lithium battery components, providing an integrated solution that hydrogen energy solution includes hydrogen production, storage, transport, electricity generation, and main engine technologies.

Sustainable Product Line Expansion. As of December 2023, Zoomlion's clustered new energy development had released 177 new energy products covering 13 major product lines, including pure electric, hybrid, and hydrogen fuel.

Green Intelligent Construction Site. The group has established the industry's first green intelligent construction site, where 11 types of large-scale pure electric and autonomous machinery equipment are operating to achieve unmanned construction. The site has shortened the construction period by 30 percent and boosted manual efficiency by 300 percent while guaranteeing zero emissions.

Intelligent facilities. With the Zoomlion Smart City as the core, the group is constructing 23 world-leading intelligent factories. By the end of June 2023, it had put into operation a total of five major intelligent factories and 170 intelligent production lines, achieving green production of the full process. At the world's largest crane tower crane smart factory, Zoomlion has achieved a 90 percent reduction of welding fumes, a 70 percent reduction of VOC emissions, and a conserved 15 percent of energy.

Marking Earth Day 2024, Zoomlion is reinforcing its commitment to leading sustainable practices in the construction machinery industry. The company's actions today are crucial for a sustainable future, ensuring today's needs are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

Source: Zoomlion

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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