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12.24 (화)

이슈 5세대 이동통신

KT simplifies internet connection for 5G, LTE laptops

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[Courtesy of KT Corp.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

KT Corp. announced on Wednesday that it simplified the process of connecting to the internet on 5G and LTE-enabled laptops by inserting the company’s USIM card. The improvement is aimed at making internet access more convenient for users by eliminating the previously required manual steps.

Traditionally, connecting a 5G or LTE laptop to the internet involved several cumbersome procedures. Users had to manually enter the Access Point Name (APN), which is the network address of the mobile carrier, and authenticate the Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) for Wi-Fi connections.

In collaboration with Microsoft, KT has now upgraded the system to bypass these manual processes. Users can now connect to the internet immediately without entering the APN manually or authenticating the USIM. This enhancement is expected to provide a significant boost in user convenience, KT said.

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