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06.27 (목)

[K-SCIENCE] Wearable Hand Robot

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A wearable hand robot has been developed to aid the disabled who lost hand mobility.

This a disabled man who is unable to use his hands due to cervical nerve injury.

After wearing a glove-shaped device, he can lift the coffee cup.

He can also drink coffee.

The device, called "Exo-Glove Poly II", is a wearable hand robot developed by a South Korean research team.

The robot also can detect the intentions of the user.

The robot system can automatically predict user intentions without getting an order or any mechanical operation.

[Cho Kyu-Jin, professor, Seoul National University]

"This technology seems to be quite scalable in many aspects as the robot can aid and assist the disabled by taking into account not only user intentions but also surrounding environments."

▶ 24시간 실시간 뉴스 생방송 보기

▶ YTN이 드리는 무료 신년 운세

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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