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[AsiaNet] China's Hainan doubled its utilization of foreign capital and newly

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established foreign enterprises in 2019

AsiaNet 82571

(HAIKOU, China, Jan. 20, 2020 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The third session of the Sixth People's Congress of Hainan Province opened in Haikou on January 16. According to Shen Xiaoming, governor of Hainan Province, in his government work report, the GDP of Hainan Province is estimated to increase by 5.8 percent year on year in 2019. The province has set a GDP growth target of 6.5 percent for this year.

According to the work report of the People's Government of Hainan Province, last year, Hainan's tourism revenue increased by 11.3 percent year on year, and the number of overseas tourists increased by 13.6 percent, which is 9 percent higher than the country's average. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 8 percent. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents is expected to increase by 8 percent and 8.2 percent respectively in 2020.

According to the report, since April 2018, more than 7,700 international skilled workers have come to work in Hainan. In 2019, the foreign investment in actual use and the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises in Hainan increased by more than 100 percent. The province aims to create 130,000 urban jobs this year.

Shen Xiaoming said that 2020 marks the year when the well-off society will be built in an all-round way and the "13th Five-Year Plan" will come to an end. It is a key year for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. Doing a good job in government work will be of great significance. Hainan will focus on the following works: The first is to speed up the construction of the free trade port and build new heights of opening-up. The second is to comprehensively strengthen institutional innovation and cultivate and strengthen core strengths. The third is to continue to promote industrial transformation and lay a solid foundation for high-quality development. The forth is to accurately implement the quality improvement and upgrading of the "five networks" and strengthen the support and guarantee capability. The fifth is to do a good job in the overall planning of urban and rural areas and promote the coordinated development of the whole province. The sixth is to strictly implement the tasks of the first phase of National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone and raise the quality of the ecological environment to a new level. The seventh is to strive to make up for the shortcomings in social undertakings and optimize the supply of public services. The eighth is to actively address major problems in the field of people's livelihood and ensure that the fruits of development benefit all our people.

SOURCE: The People's Government of Hainan Province

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