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06.24 (월)

Rival parties encourage supporters to vote

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DP Chairman Lee Hae-chan/ Source: Yonhap News

By AsiaToday reporters Lee Wook-jae

The crucial general election is just a week away. The leaders of the ruling party and the opposition camp on Wednesday continued to encourage their supporters to vote. However, the rival parties are paying close attention to the impact of a sudden ‘blunt remark’ controversy caused by some candidates on the upcoming election. The main opposition United Future Party (UFP) has expelled two of its candidates over their remarks, worrying that it may lead to a negative result in the election.

Lee Hae-chan, chairman of the ruling Democratic Party (DP), visited its traditional stronghold Gwangju. During his meeting with the joint election campaign committee formed between the DP and Together Citizens’ Party, Lee appealed for the public to support the liberal party and its satellite party to ensure a stable management of state affairs and the completion of reform programs. “The Moon Jae-in administration flies with two wings,” Lee said. “The DP is for constituency and Together Citizens’ Party for proportional representation votes. The Moon administration will have these two wings to fly to complete its reform drive and lay the foundation for regaining power.”

“We have not been able to work properly because we did not enough seats. This time, we are laying a good foundation so that our party alone wins a majority and complete the reform drive,” Lee said.

“It is very important to boost turnout for proportional representation votes of Together Citizens’ Party,” he said. “If the DP fails to become a dominant party, the UFP will take the post of the Chairman of the National Assembly. Our drive of installing a special anti-corruption unit and reforming the prosecution will come to nothing. If the assembly drags down the government like the 20th assembly, regaining power would be unknown,” Lee said.

Lee also encouraged candidates in Daejeon region, saying the remaining week is important. “Unlike the previous one, the 21st National Assembly would be unlikely to hinder the government. It has a good atmosphere The mood is nice thanks to the high approval rating of the President and the Party.”


Kim Jong-in, head of the United Future Party’s election task force/ Photographed by Lee Byung-hwa

On the other hand, Kim Jong-in, head of the United Future Party’s election task force, held a press conference at the National Assembly and called on the voters to judge the Moon Jae-in administration.

“The president’s leadership has completely broken,” Kim said. “I don’t understand whether the president has worked properly or not as a leader of the country, especially during the coronavirus crisis.”

Regarding the authority of President to issue an emergency financial command, previously suggested by Kim, he said, “I’m not sure if the president is not making a decision because he just doesn’t want to or he is unaware of it.” Kim requested the president to issue an emergency financial command in relation to recovery from the impact of the coronavirus crisis by converting 20% of this year’s budget of 512 trillion won.

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