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01.06 (월)

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LG Uplus-invested Quopin to release 5G multimedia interactive transfer chipset in May

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[Photo by Quopin Co.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s system semiconductor developer Quopin Co. backed by wireless carrier LG Uplus Inc. is ready to roll out third-generation of its multimedia interactive transfer chipset MonaLisa 3 that can transmit real-time 4K ultra high-definition (UHD) videos in ultra-low latency next month.

The tiny chip with 0.5 mm in width and length makes it possible to transmit a full HD video with a delay of just 10-30 msec and a UHD video with 30-50 msec delay, more than halved from the predecessor MonaLisa 2.

The ultra-low latency video transmission solution is a core technology in self-driving and real-time remote controlling in 5G network. It can ensure safe operation of unmanned delivery robots in busy streets through real-time communication with the control tower. It takes only 0.02 sec delay a robot transmits and receives full HD videos with the control tower, according to the company. Upon discovery, LG Uplus invested to buy 28 percent in Quopin last year.

Quopin currently has the source technology for its proprietary network processor. Unlike the usual CPU for serial processing, Quopin’s network processor is designed for parallel processing and thus boasts an ultra-low latency, more than 10 times shorter than that of the CPU type, the company explained.


Quopin"s CEO S.H. Lee

The MonaLisa chip has already been used widely in the industrial scene. Doosan Infracore and Volvo Korea excavators are equipped with the chipset, and Woowa Brothers, the operator of Korea’s top food delivery app Baedal Minjok, successfully tested out its delivery robots using MonaLisa during the trial service last month.

“The company now is planning to apply the technology for remote driving of port containers and remote controlling of military weapon systems,” said S.H. Lee, CEO of Quopin.

Quopin recently has initiated development of artificial intelligence-based semiconductor and is aiming to release MonaLisa 4 for transmitting 8K UHD videos by 2023 using investment by LG Uplus. They are planning to export the ultra-low delay video transmission platform to China Telecom Corporation and Japan’s KDDI Corporation.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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