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Brazilian fintech company looking for deals with S. Korean content firms

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SEOUL, March 28 (AJU PRESS) - Brazilian financial technology company EBANX is seeking partnerships with South Korean companies in the content industry to expand its business in countries in Latin America. The fintech firm, which provides payment services in 17 Latin American countries, has emphasized the importance of adopting local payment systems to launch businesses in Latin America, at a business forum in Seoul.

During this forum on March 21, EBANX's Chief Marketing Officer Jaqueline Bartzen highlighted the necessity of offering payment methods and transactions in local currencies to succeed in Latin America. "We have been serving as the bridge between clients and global brands for 12 years," Bartzen said, stressing EBANX's role as a crucial partner for South Korean companies seeking business opportunities in Latin America.

The forum, held at InterContinental Seoul COEX, focused on discussing cooperation between EBANX and South Korean firms. Entrepreneurs from South Korean game developers and other content companies attended the event, where EBANX shared insights into business potential in Latin America.

Apart from this forum, EBANX aims to explore ways to collaborate with K-content companies to assist in their entry into markets in Latin America.

Founded in 2012, EBANX has been enabling access for about one billion consumers across various global industries such as technology and retail through local payment solutions. As of November 2023, the fintech company had connected clients to over 100 payment solutions in 29 nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Kim Joo-heon Reporter jhkim123@ajunews.com

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