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09.19 (목)

Kakao partners with Starbucks operator for exclusive student benefits

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[Courtesy of Kakao Corp.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Kakao Corp. announced on Tuesday that it signed a business agreement with SCK Company, the operator of Starbucks Korea, on July 29 and discussed measures to provide exclusive benefits for KakaoTalk Student ID holders.

Through this partnership, both companies aim to leverage their respective strengths to create synergies and maintain a close cooperative relationship.

A key part of this collaboration is the development of a dedicated rewards program for university and graduate students who use the Talk Student ID, which will be launched by the end of this year.

Kakao said it partnered with Starbucks to provide students with benefits that they can use in their daily lives through the KakaoTalk Student ID.

The Talk Student ID, introduced in May last year, is a student identification service provided through the KakaoTalk Wallet.

It offers various benefits through simple authentication and has surpassed 1 million cumulative issuances within a year. Currently, it provides identification services for over 400 universities in Korea.
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