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09.25 (수)

Korea, Italy team up to foster global young scientists

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On the 23rd, Stefano Geuna, President of the University of Turin, and Noh Do-young, President of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), signed an MOU for promoting education and research collaboration programs at the University of Turin in Italy. (IBS)

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South Korea’s Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and the University of Turin have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote educational and research collaboration programs.

According to the IBS announced on Tuesday, the two institutions held a signing ceremony at the University of Turin, with IBS President Noh Do-young and University of Turin President Stefano Geuna attending.

The two institutions will work together to nurture global talent, including the launch of a global academic and research cooperation program under the MOU. A joint doctoral program between IBS and the University of Turin will be established in four fields: physics, neuroscience, chemistry, and mathematics.

Through global recruitment, 16 doctoral students will be selected, with two students from each field. The selected students will receive a doctoral education at the University of Turin and gain research experience at IBS and will be awarded an annual scholarship of 25,000 euros for three years. Once they complete the program, students will obtain a doctoral degree from the University of Turin and receive a research certificate from IBS.

Following the signing of the MOU, the two institutions plan to form joint working groups for each of the four fields to develop detailed programs and budget plans. Student recruitment is expected to begin in 2025.
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