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이슈 은행권 DLS·DLF 사태

DLS secures contract for Yes24’s new smart fulfillment center

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(Doosan Logistics Solutions)

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Doosan Logistics Solutions (DLS) said on Monday that it secured the contract for Yes24’s upcoming “Yes24 Smart Fulfillment Center (SFC)” logistics center in Paju, Gyeonggi Province. The facility will cover a total floor area of 52,450 square meters and span from a basement level to four above-ground floors, with completion targeted for March 2026.

Once operational, the Yes24 SFC will be capable of handling 280,000 inbound books and 200,000 outbound books per day, with a storage capacity of 4.5 million books. The facility will serve as the primary logistics hub for Yes24’s online book distribution in South Korea’s central region.

In addition to designing the logistics center, DLS will be responsible for providing autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), building a 3D AMR monitoring system, and establishing an integrated logistics information system that consolidates facility operations, control, and real-time monitoring.

DLS plans to supply 544 AMRs, the largest number for a single logistics center in East Asia. The AMRs, each with a maximum payload capacity of 800 kilograms, are capable of both picking and storing items. These robots will use a Goods to Person (GTP) system, whereby they retrieve items from shelves up to 2.7 meters high and deliver them directly to workers, reducing the need for human movement within the facility.

DLS will also integrate a Robot Management System (RMS) to optimize efficiency by placing high-frequency order items at the closest possible distance from the workers.
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