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12.27 (금)

이슈 5세대 이동통신

KT, Hyundai Rotem co-develop 5G autonomous driving for civilian and military use

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[Photo by KT Corp.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s leading telco KT Corp. said on Tuesday it has signed a partnership agreement with Hyundai Rotem, a train and armored vehicle maker affiliated with Hyundai Motor Group, to develop 5G-based autonomous vehicles and control systems to be applied to industrial sites and battlefields.

Under the agreement, the two will develop a control tower platform and a remote operation system for autonomous ground vehicles in a joint project that will start with the demonstration of HR-Sherpa, a multipurpose unmanned ground vehicle developed by Hyundai Rotem.

The demonstration to take place in December in Seosan, southwest of Seoul will test the vehicle’s surveying and logistic capability with a 5G-based control tower platform. The two also agreed to apply HR-Sherpa to not only industrial fields but also defense areas including reconnaissance and the delivery of goods.

Based on this partnership with Hyundai Rotem, KT will extend 5G-based autonomous driving technology to construction sites and the defense industry, said KT's Connected Car Biz Center head Choi Kang-rim, adding KT will continue to explore new mobility markets.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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