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05.09 (목)

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Lotte to use recycled plastic packaging for PE, PP products

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[Courtesy of Lotte Chemical Corp.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Lotte Chemical Corp. announced on Thursday that it applied recycled materials to all 25-kilogram packaging bags for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) products produced at its Yeosu and Daesan plants.

The new packaging bags incorporate 30 percent recycled materials and use recycled polyethylene (r-PE) from ECOSEED, the company‘s eco-friendly material brand. The Korean chemical company used packaging bags made from approximately 5,400 tons of plastic at its Yeosu and Daesan plants as of 2023.

Lotte Chemical expects to save about 1,500 tons of plastic every year by using packaging bags with r-PE materials. It has conducted research and development to use recycled plastic packaging bags since 2021 and is in the process of building a virtuous cycle system for plastics that produces raw materials for r-PE bags.

“We plan to expand the application of r-PE bags to various products across Lotte Group’s chemical units moving forward,” a Lotte Chemical official said.
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