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05.02 (목)

이슈 불붙는 OTT 시장

OTT platform Wavve to become available in Europe, Oceania

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[Courtesy of Kocowa]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s local over-the-top (OTT) platform Wavve plans to bring its international-only streaming service to audiences in Europe and Oceania.

Kocowa, an online video streaming website based in Los Angeles, the United States, is a joint venture between the top three Korean broadcast networks and SK telecom Co., who co-founded Wavve. According to a statement released by Wavve, Kocowa will be available in 39 countries and states in Europe and Oceania.

The website began streaming Korean content in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, languages that were already available on the platform, in the 39 territories that include England, Ireland, Spain and Australia.
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