SEOUL, October 9 (AJP) - Korean auto parts maker Hyundai Mobis Co. said Wednesday that it will participate in the Paris Motor Show for the first time, aiming to accelerate its expansion into the European market.
The company, affiliated with Hyundai Motor Group, plans to showcase 10 strategic technologies during the Oct. 14-18 event, including next-generation electric vehicle (EV) drive systems and battery system assemblies (BSA).
Hyundai Mobis said it will operate a booth for pre-invited customers and hold in-depth business discussions with top executives from European automakers.
The company achieved record overseas orders of about 12 trillion won (US$8.8 billion) last year.
The Paris Motor Show, now in its 126th year, is one of Europe's largest international auto exhibitions.
Kim Dong-young 기자
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