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05.18 (토)

Seol Hyun, 'Classy from Head-to-Toe' Year-End Styling Tips

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[MHN Soyeon.Park]

Seol Hyun exuded her own classy look over crossing sexiness and innocence for a special photo shoot.

Seol Hyun handled the beauty photo shoot with 'Kerasys', a premium hair clinic brand with absolute professionalism.

In the revealed photo cuts, Seol Hyun suggests some styling tips for upcoming end-of-the-year events. In a lilac-colored dress with luscious wavy hair, she perfectly captured a young lovely lady. In another cut, she's in an elegant satin blouse with shiny hair this time showing her fierce sexiness.


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A staff from 'Kerasys' commented about the photo shoot saying, "Seol Hyun's multi-dimensional characters fitted well with the various hairstyles you can try to outshine at any event."


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Seol Hyun's photo shoot with Kerasys can be found on the company's official websites and social network services.


Translated by_Gen_E

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