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05.18 (토)

Men's basic items, 'Denim vs slacks', Here's absolute Styling tips

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[MHN] Denim pants, slacks are must-have items fit to any styles that most of the guys have them more than one. When you want to make these items more stylish, look at how stars match their basic item to be gorgeous. There MHN prepared men's clothing company Shinwon within brand 'SIEG 'Fahrenheit' pictorials collaborated with 'Jang Ki-yong'.

◆How to match denim pants, perfect for casual styling


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Blue denim pants are the basic item for casual styling. Denim pants highlighted in its deep blue color and washing points, adds trendiness. If you match it with white color inner shirt and pink jacket casual styling is completed like what Jang Ki-young wears on his pictorial.

If you want more activeness, bright denim pants would do. Bright jean colored pants highlighted on its teared parts, gives bright and fashionable image. In the pictorial, he matches the jean with the same colored striped pattern shirts and white sneakers, completed balanced casual styling.

◆How to match slacks, must-have item for dandy guys


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If you prefer dandy styles, slacks are the perfect thing to match with. Blue colored check slacks making the model look stylish and trendy. Jang Ki-yong match patterned slacks with same patterned jacket and white shirt, made perfect formal and dandy styling.

If you want more chic and virile styling, try black patterned slacks. Black colored body meets with stripe pattern gives static but classical mood. If you chose it, match with similar toned outer or inner clothes and maximize the Cosmo.

According to the person from 'SIEG 'Fahrenheit', "Denim pants and slacks are the most important items for men styling but also the most magical items as upon the matching items, one can bring up various styles. So, refer to Jang Ki-yong's pictorials, try to find one's best style."

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