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05.05 (일)

[2009~2011년]KOREAN PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN①‥Aesthetics of Downfal

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관조-내적시선, 53×41㎝ tranquilly settled tone

scarcely existing shapes

snugly blooming matter

simplicity without artificiality

unintentional touches veiling techniques

temperance, generosity, modesty, dignity....

These are the impressions from Soo-Ryun Songs works, To those who seek for sophistication and provocation, her works might be dissatisfactory as they look overly calm and subdued.


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53×45.5㎝ There are four levels to valuate human expression, First level exaggerates in form to cover the subjects lack of content. It is the lowest level which seems magnificent from outside but the hypocrisy and irritation hidden inside tend to be easily found.

Second level does not exaggerating the subjects lack of content hypocritically but reveal the content as it is, In this level, the expression may be sincere but usually not worth noticing.


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45.5×37.9㎝ Third shows opulent content through abundant form. This is the level where we can experience great will and genius of man. The content of the last levels expression is affluent and yet the subject adopts simple and restrained form.

This is the state of empty fullness where we can find noble persona surpassing genius, virtuous modesty and graceful magnificence.


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160×52㎝ Song’s(한국화가 송수련,한지화가 송수련,송수련 화백,宋秀璉,SONG SOO RYUN,송수련 작가,Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN,한지작가 송수련,종이회화 송수련,여류중견화가 송수련, KOREA PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN,KOREAN PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN) work is based upon the unique Korean nature, and the restrained form found in her work seems to express the class and dignity.


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180×119㎝ If so, what is the opulent content hidden under the restrained form? In this exhibition, lotus leaves appears. Large dried lotus leaves are stuck to the canvas and fixed in place by gluing hanji(traditional korean paper). The adhesion seem so natural I better describe they are stuck together rather than using the term fixed.

△Kwangjin Choi/Art Critic

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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