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05.23 (목)

[2009~2011년]Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN②‥A piece of truth

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

관조-내적시선, 118×178㎝, 2010 Lotus leaves are so large, round and out of balance just like Chosun Baekja(white porcelain) giving out impressions of humor and generosity. The leaves cover up the mud of lotus pond and flourish lotus flowers.

As we can see from that she does not notice lotus flowers but leaves hidden underneath, her eyes always turn to alienated places where nobody elses attention is paid, People find beauty in blooming flowers or springtime of life.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

145×208㎝ They think it is the climax of life and feel sorrow when the time is gone. Or worse, people cannot help but fear the downfall that will soon approach even while they are at the climax-or so they believe-of life.

Songs works begin with discovering things in their downfall, She from gazing at the nature in everyday lives, but does not seize the out looks of objects like other realist artists nor capture a point in time and describe the piece of atmosphere.

She does not catch reviving energy like the Chinese artists did, If it was her aim, why wouldnt she have let leaves to be her theme? If so, what is the significance of nature to view of nature will give us an important clue to understand her Paragraph below quoted from her artists statement may answer question.


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160×52㎝ "My work always begins with observing nature, but it does not stay Of course I can say that the nature is of my own-for I am living right here right now-, but it also belongs to all others breathing in my boundaries existence which includes both past and the future.

The nature which under all the gazes of those people reveals itself through means of involuntariness within an individual called T. The nature-which direct result of diachronic observation-becomes an abstract, vague yet undeniable sentiment. "(artists statement)


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140.5×193.5㎝ It also becomes space for meditation as it lets our thoughts flow because it a medium, not a congested matter. Such artwork as a space for meditation gives people the experience of transcending miscellaneous reality, and Song(한국화가 송수련,한지화가 송수련,송수련 화백,宋秀璉,SONG SOO RYUN,송수련 작가,Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN,한지작가 송수련,종이회화 송수련,여류중견화가 송수련, KOREA PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN, KOREAN PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN) believes that they can reach the moment of true life through that experience.

“Certain scent memorized in ones mind brings back a moment in life with certain space and time. I wish my images can make people see a fragment of space, world and history hidden within themselves-and let them pick up a piece of truth in life between layers of time.”(artist’s statement)

△Kwangjin Choi/Art Critic

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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