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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

구자승=한강(HAN RIVER), 40.9×31.8㎝ When I happened to walk along Kwangwhamoon, I am remin-ded of some verses written by Midang, and at the same time thoughts of Mr. Koo Cha Sung and his wife, Chang Chi Won flashe through my mind.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

구자승=모과가 있는 정물, 40.9×31.8㎝ I would like to compare a mandarin duck to this couples, which symoblizes eternal love, and my heart gets warm when I see them working together like a couple of pigeons in the atelier on the second floor of their house.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

구자승=한정(Tranquilig), 145.5×112.1㎝ As I was the teacher of his wife, and also the two were my junior alumni, I have been friendly with them for many years, and have been watching them improve themselves steadily. Mr.Koo, whose character is pure and modest, showed us his res-olute mind to commit himself to his painting by quitting his teaching job, and is making untiring efforts in the field of pure graphic arts as a member of the Korean New Fine Arts Association, while his wife is endeavoring at concrete arts.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

장지원=공작, 53×33.3㎝ They have kept their position as artists through many difficult conditions to the present time. They are supposed to go to Canada for further study, and will hold their joint first art exhibition before leaving this country.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

장지원=45.5×37.9㎝, 1978 Those two in their mid-thirties probably will meet with various difficulties in that remote country, but I am sure this faithful couple will get over all hardships and bear great fruit Now, a wildrose, with which Chi Won presented me a few years ago, is now growing vigorously along the fence of my garden.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

장지원=꽃, 53×33.3㎝ I name it Chi Wons rose. I will pray for their great success until they return to this country after finishing their studies, and I will trim Chi Wons(CHANG CHI WON,Korean painter Chang Chi-Won,ARTIST CHANG CHI WON,서양화가 장지원,장지원 작가,장지원 화백,張志瑗) rose with my utmost sincerity.

△Chung Kun Mo(Artist. Professor of Dong A University)


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

장지원=공작, 53×41㎝

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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