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04.28 (일)

[2015~2016년]ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN②‥Little dots

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Viewing Songs painting as a genre, her methods and techniques fall into the category of traditional Korean painting. Korean paper, pigments and ink allow expressive reverberation softer and more vivid than could be created by any other media. What would Korean painting be without these materials?

A number of painters are rebelling against the strictures of using only these materials, perhaps in fact, losing their identity as artists in the traditional Korean painting genre. It is, in these circumstances, refreshing to encounter a painter who quite consciously remains within the essential boundaries of Korean painting.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Songs work nevertheless cannot be compartmentalized as a particular type of traditional Korean painting. Her structuring of composition through repetition puts her work, instead, within the scope of minimalism.

Could that indeed show synergy with the present artistic moment? It should be noted specifically that traditional Korean Painting, with its unique materials, overcomes the stringent logic of minimalism and qualities of conceptual art.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

관조-내적시선, 189×250㎝ Mrs. Song(한국화가 송수련,한지화가 송수련,송수련 화백,宋秀璉,SONG SOO RYUN,송수련 작가,Hanji Painter SONG SOO RYUN,한지작가 송수련,종이회화 송수련,여류원로화가 송수련,KOREA PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN, KOREAN PAPER ARTIST SONG SOO RYUN), in her painting, creates beauty and depth through minimal expression.

As Choi Gwang Jin noted, "though unexceptional little dots in her recent works appear as the smallest unit of nature, they simultaneously and paradoxically evoke a sense of the gorgeous eruption of nature." I look forward to witnessing this paradox, with great anticipation.

△Oh Kwang-Su/Art Critic

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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