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05.01 (수)

[2005~2009년]Hur Jin③‥Compose new reality

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

유목동물+인간 2007-20, 2007, 한지에 수묵채색, 130×162cm/Nomadic Animals+Human 2007-20, 2007, ink and pigment on hanji, 130×162cm Hur’s images created by such process is close to the concept of‘figure’that Deleuze once defined as something which is not real nor virtual but is a part of existence. Figure does not require any definite description or explanation unlike plastic or representational arts.

It is an image which cannot be referred to any models and can only be realized by the directability of bodily sense. It is remarkable how Hur’s(ARTIST HUR JIN,許塡,허진 작가,한국화가 허진,HUR JIN,허진 교수,허진 화백,A Painter HUR JIN)works show the process beginning from representations based on experience to become pure‘figure’which rejects significant symbolism and conventional descriptions.


<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

유목동물+인간 2007-21, 2007, 한지에 수묵채색, 130×162cm/Nomadic Animals+Human 2007-21, 2007, ink and pigment on hanji, 130×162cm ‘Image as a figure’ implodes all the dichotomical boundaries set by human reason-experience and notion, plastic and abstract, immanence and transcendence, consciousness and subconsciousness, interest and negligence-and possesses the possibility to restore the world of image which exists as another existence between reality and notion.

Also such image holds great aesthetic significance as it is not dependent to a specific object but compose new reality, free from transcendental and ideological abstractionism.

△Gwangjin Choi (Art critic)

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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