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06.02 (일)

이슈 인공지능 시대가 열린다

Naver gives search engine an AI boost

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[Courtesy of Naver]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Naver Corp. announced on Friday that it has implemented CUE:, its specialized AI-powered search service whose beta format was launched in September 2023, into its namesake search engine.

Users can now conveniently access CUE: directly from the portal’s search window without the need to separately visit the CUE: service page.

CUE: stands out by providing the latest answers based on knowledge databases in response to interactive queries posed by users, linking various Naver services such as shopping and booking.

Previously, users searching for available reservations on Christmas day and a parking-friendly restaurant in Seongsu-dong, for example, had to individually check each piece of information when using the traditional search engine. But with CUE: integrated into Naver search, users can simply input a single sentence like “Find a restaurant in Seongsu-dong that takes reservations on Christmas day and has parking available.” The system, through integration with Naver’s information and booking systems, instantly displays search results that match the user’s criteria at the top.

Naver has also extended its auto-completion service to CUE:, with up to three recommended queries from CUE: at the bottom of the auto-completion section.

Naver plans to expand CUE: from its current PC version to a mobile platform in 2024, but users must sign up on the CUE: homepage to access the service until its official launch.
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