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05.05 (일)

[2019년]DANSAEKHWA ARTIST CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG Ⅳ‥Integration of functions of diverse materials

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These processes enable him to render the vocabularies of contemporary social phenomena, which, again, make new origins based on aesthetic desire. These words remain in our mind, ready to emerge whenever it is necessary. Sometimes, we can [re-]use them in very specific situations in a direct way, too.

Choi closely observes the parts of the origins, circumstances or phenomena, and captures and re-organizes them to create a more complicated tapestry of meanings.

The origins are fluid by nature, and thus, they have diverse sub-categories. The observed elements, then, clash with various aesthetic forms and mass culture. In so doing, regardless of the artists intention, they create a structure bereft of meaning, or an integration of fragmented materials that render another form of intensive effects.

We cannot specify what they are or where they were/are/will be–whether they are manifestations of an unspecified past or a future yet to be exposed–so they seem invisible, ungraspable, and, therefore, meaningless.

Through subtle arrangements, Choi devotes himself to imposing the present-ness upon the conceptual origins, and to throwing away what he has gained thus far constantly. He does not focus on specific incidents or subjects, but essentially returns to the most appropriate status of all by re-investigating and purifying core elements of any given matter and reconstructing them on his canvas.

As the origins that he(Dansaekhwa-Korean monochrome painter CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG, Dansaekhwa:abstract paintings of Korea Artist CHOI MYOUNG YOUNG,최명영 화백,최명영 작가,단색화 최명영,단색화:한국추상회화 화가 최명영,모노크롬회화 최명영,단색화가 최명영,韓国単色画家 崔明永,韓国の単色画家 チェイㆍミョンヨン)seeks always change and diverse forms of origins emerge, they are re-made and(as an empty image) transform themselves from one form to another.

From the functional point of view the are merely simple forms; however, as they also exist invisibly and psychologically, we can contend that they are an integration of functions of diverse materials.

△Kim Yongdae(김용대 전 대구미술관장)/Independent Curator, the former director of the Daegu Museum of Art

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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